Casterman BD: L’Enfant Staline

AuteursThierry Robberecht, Régric, Jacques Martin
Collection : Jacques Martin
Serie : Lefranc
Tome : 24
Pages : 48
Prix : 10,95 €

Date de parution : 21/08/2013

Moscou, février 1953. Lefranc est en visite au coeur de « l’Empire rouge », au sein d’une délégation de journalistes venue couvrir une tournée d’écrivains occidentaux en U.R.S.S. Si certains ne cachent pas leur admiration pour les réalisations staliniennes, d’autres ont des options franchement opposées. C’est le cas de l’anglais Byrne – en fait un espion ayant pris prétexte de cette délégation pour venir à Moscou y récupérer des documents secrets auprès d’une généticienne, Paulina Tikhonov. Mais le projet est éventé, et l’Anglais n’a que le temps de remettre à Lefranc un volumineux dossier rouge avant d’être kidnappé par les services secrets soviétiques.

Le journaliste, dès lors, se retrouve dépositaire d’une série de documents estampillée « Petit frère » et consacrée à un mystérieux enfant de 12 ans, dont la ressemblance avec Staline au même âge est frappante. Enigmatique, mais sans plus. Jusqu’à ce que Paulina Tikhonov lui révèle que dans le plus grand secret, les savants soviétiques ont réussi à copier l’ADN de Staline, et donc à reproduire leur grand dirigeant désormais virtuellement immortel. Bien malgré lui, Lefranc se retrouve soudain investi d’une mission décisive : faire échec à ce projet dangereux pour le monde entier…

Moscow, February 1953. Lefranc is visiting the heart of the “Red Empirein a delegation of journalists coming to cover a tour of Western writers in the USSRIf some do not hide their admiration for Stalin’s achievements, others have openly opposed options. This is the case of English Byrne actually a spy who used the pretext of the delegation to come to Moscow to recover secret documents from a geneticist, Paulina Tikhonov. But English is in trouble and has just enough time to put the documents in a large red folder for Lefranc before being kidnapped by the Soviet secret services.

The reporter finds himself  with a series of documents stamped “little brother” and devoted to a mysterious 12-year old, whose resemblance to Stalin at the same age is striking. Enigmatic, but no more. Until Tikhonov Paulina reveals that in the greatest secrecy, Soviet scientists were able to copy the DNA of Stalin, and thus replicate their great leader now virtually immortal. Despite himself, Lefranc is suddenly entrusted with a crucial mission to defeat this dangerous project for the world

And the last panel is a hoot!!!

Agenda BD -Events August-September, 2013

If you are organising a UK event GET ON THIS LISTING because you are missing out on getting the tourist comicker!

Hottolfiades 2013
B Hotton
Envol de mongolfières dont plusieurs à l’effigie de héros de BD.
En Cours
9e Festival BD : Le cabaret vert
F Charleville-Mézières
Dédicaces BD dans le cadre du Festival de musique Le Cabaret Vert.
En Cours
14e Festival Livre BD de l'Eure
F Conches
Dédicaces, foire aux bouquinistes…
En Cours
Strip-Festival-BD de Jette
B Bruxelles
Exposition Christian Denayer (à partir du 21 août), séance de dédicaces le samedi 24 août.
Festival BD Wallonie 2013
B Temploux
Festival BD dans le cadre de la brocante internationale de Temploux: dédicaces, bourse BD, animations diverses.
Fred Simon: Mermaid project
B Bruxelles
A partir de 14h, séance de dédicaces avec Fred Simon pour Mermaid project.
Roch'fort en Bulles
F Rochefort
Dédicaces avec une trentaine d’auteurs, expositions (Tatsu, Mimo, Spirou), ateliers de dessin…
atelier/rencontre/dédicace avec Franck Bonnet
F Troyes
De 10h à 12h, atelier BD animé par Franck Bonnet.
De 14h30 à 18h, dédicaces avec Franck Bonnet.
15e festival international de BD Jetez l'Encre
F Fabrègues
Dédicaces, conférence, ateliers…
En Cours
Willy Vandersteen raconte
B Bruxelles
Exposition autour de l’oeuvre de Willy Vandersteen, le créateur de Bob et Bobette.
Fête de la BD
B Bruxelles
Festival, expositions, dédicaces, balloon parade, rallye de voitures Tintin, spectacle 3D…
Serge Pellé : Orbital
B Bruxelles
De 14h30 à 19h, dédicaces de Serge Pellé pour Orbital.
En Cours
Franck Bonnet
F Troyes
Exposition rétrospective Franck Bonnet.
Adam: Game over
B Bruxelles
A partir de 14h, séance de dédicaces avec Adam pour Game over T10.
Franck Tacito: Little Alice in Wonderland
B Bruxelles
A partir de 14h, séance de dédicaces avec Franck Tacito pour Little Alice in Wonderland.
En Cours
ArchéoAlix. L'Antiquité imag(in)ée par Jacques Martin
CH Nyon
Exposition de planches, dessins, documents sur le travail de Jacques Martin pour sa série Alix.
En Cours
Jean-Luc Cornette & Michel Constant : Le sourire de Mao
B Bruxelles
Exposition des planches originales de l’album Le Sourire de Mao de Michel Constant et Jean-Luc Cornette (Futuropolis).
A Tours de Bulles
F Tours
Dédicaces avec une quarantaine d’auteurs, expositions, concert illustré…
B Bruxelles
Grande exposition consacrée au collectif artistique finlandais KutiKuti.
Cultures Maison#4
B Bruxelles
Festival dédié aux structures d’édition et de diffusion de bandes dessinées de création et d’oeuvres graphiques et narratives.
Spirou fète ses 75 ans
B Charleroi
Concours, animations, déguisements, exposition, projection deSpirou, l’aventure humoristique, séance de dédicaces de Lambil, Bedu, Hardy et Henriet…
Mathieu LAUFFRAY : Long John Silver
F Bordeaux
Séance de dédicaces avec Mathieu LAUFFRAY pour Long John Silver Tome 04.
Mathieu BABLET
F Grenoble
Séance de dédicaces avec Mathieu BABLET à partir de 14h30.
En Cours
Anke Feuchtenberger
F Paris
Exposition de la berlinoise Anke Feuchtenberger (La Petite Dame, La Putain P, La Putain P jette le gant).
Festival de la bd à Crespieres
F Crespieres
De 10h00 à 18h00, entrée 3€, gratuit pour les moins de 12 ans.
En Cours
La Bretagne, les Vikings et la bande dessinée: mythes et réalités
F Landévennec
L’exposition, mêlant des originaux BD et le fonds du musée, s’interroge sur la création du mythe viking tout en faisant le bilan des connaissances actuelles sur cette civilisation.
Zep : Une histoire d'hommes
B Bruxelles
De 18h à 20h, dédicaces de Zep pour Une histoire d’hommes.
Maël et Olivier Morel: Les Revenants
F Paris
Dès 19h, rencontre BD avec Maël et Olivier Morel autour de leur album Les Revenants.
Stéphane Créty : Masqué
F Grenoble
Séance de dédicaces avec Stéphane Créty pour Masqué T4: Le Préfet Spécial.
Soledad Bravi: La BD de Soledad
F Paris
Dès 11h, rencontre/dédicace BD avec la dessinatrice Soledad Bravi pour La BD de Soledad (Ed Rue de Sèvres).
Mael : Revenants
F Grenoble
A partir de 14h30, dédicaces de Mael pour son nouvel album Revenants.
NL La Haye
Une exposition qui présente l’évolution de la bande dessinée aux Pays-Bas, depuis sa première parution vers 1820 aux formes les plus actuelles de la BD numérique.

Cinebook The 9th Art: Antares – Episode 4

Authors: LEO
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages

ISBN: 9781849181662
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT

Publication: August 2013

Kim’s group, still stranded halfway across Antares, must get back to the base camp through a journey filled with deadly encounters. Meanwhile, at the base camp, a trip to the neighbouring planet—source of the strange ray that vaporised Kim’s daughter—is being organised.

The prospect of meeting an intelligent species, though, drives the religious fanatics in charge to clamp down on any person or activity deemed rebellious.

As if a hostile world isn’t enough, the colonists have brought their own worst enemy with them…

I’ve been hooked on Leo’s work since the Aldebaran  series and not just because of the story and the intrigue but because of what he draws.  His vehicles look familiar yet are not and his depiction of alien plants and creatures is incredible -look at that cover and then the second page below.  And there are even more in the book.

This is almost good old fashioned scifi with a modern Leo twist.  Well, it is!

Highly recommended.

Cinebook The 9th Art: Iznogoud the Relentless

 Authors: Goscinny & Tabary
Age: All ages
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages

ISBN: 9781849181815
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT

Publication: July 2013

In Baghdad the Magnificent, everything is for sale. You can buy goods from all around the world, as well as charms, spells and enchanted items. If you have the gold, you can find anything—even what you need to become Caliph instead of the Caliph.

Of course, buying it doesn’t mean you know how to use it properly, as the despicable grand vizier Iznogoud finds out again and again…

This series, the art and the various gags in it have grown on me. Having written cartoon gags for newspapers/magazines in Europe I know just how hard it is to keep coming up with the jokes! So, filling 48 pages with story and gags earns Goscinny my respects!

And Tabary, well, yes, I do know how hard it is to draw humorous characters for comic strips, too. I see the work of people like Tabary and think “If only I’d been that good!”

Fun for young and old comickers and, perhaps, one day, thanks to Cinebook, we’ll have a generation of true comic raised kids!

So, What About—

So, I’ve had a couple emails asking about the trollers/flamers from the old CBO site. I HAVE had attempts to get nasty things kicking off here but Blogger is very keen to stop that sort of thing once reported -and I do report these things and then delete them.

These people are nothing to me nor the comic community.
Right, nadger88 (really???) asked “What happened about your war with IPC over old characters?”
Okay, I had a dispute with one person who messed everything up and had no idea about characters or copyright and his pals in “Legal” were also very vague, wrong and tried to hide this by threatening to sue me for using my own characters.
                                                                                                                                                                                           So, I contacted HM Intellectual Property Office . This is the body dealing with such things. I presented the evidence in a letter as well as asked various points.  The letter was published on CBO at the time.  I did expect to be told that in some way I had ***** everything up and gotten it wrong.
Apparently, I had not. I read, re-read and then let a few others see the letter.
So, as the cause of all the problems no longer worked at IPC and I was discussing possible projects with the company I contacted THE highest person at IPC. No one is higher that the CEO. I put my points, etc., but without realising it also shot myself in the foot.
“I regret to advise you IPC Media withdrew from comic publishing thirty years ago…”
The original letter read “twenty” years but when I asked about this it was explained comic publishing stopped thirty plus years ago but IPC was licensing old characters such as Billy Bunter.  Wild Storm in the US had licensed characters for the Albion mini series, etc..
Great, so no problem using the specific characters -then I got my projects returned with a note “IPC Media has not been in the comic production business for thirty years…blah blah blah” I think I may have been responsible for the killing of my own projects though I’m pleased to say IPC Media really did have a “down” on comics so maybe not.
In fact, as I pointed out on the old CBO, I received a big package of photocopied comic strip work from the 1960s/1970s (unpublished).  I have no explanation for this but when I contacted IPC Media to find out a very irritated man told me he had been told to send them to me and I could “use them however you want. We don’t really care. I certainly don’t!”
So, I sent a letter to IPC but never got a reply. The line had been drawn under “We have NOTHING to do with comics”.
I bear no animosity toward IPC Media and IPC Media bears none toward me -I assume my annoying them over comics isn’t even a memory for them!

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Casterman BD: Femmes en résistance -Amy Johnson

Auteurs Régis Hautière, Francis Laboutique, Emmanuelle Polack, Pierre Wachs
Collection : Autres séries
Tome : 1
Pages : 64
Prix : 13,95 €
 Date de parution : 21/08/2013

Entièrement scénarisée par Régis Hautière et Francis Laboutique, avec le concours de l’historienne Emmanuelle Polack, cette tétralogie dont chacun des albums est mis en images par un dessinateur différent s’attache aux destins et parcours croisés de cinq femmes d’exception au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Quatre d’entre elles, toutes mortes très jeunes (Amy Johnson, Sophie Scholl, Bertie Albrecht et Mila Racine), ont réellement existé. Seule la cinquième, Anna Schaerer, journaliste, est un personnage fictif, qui permet de faire le lien entre ces différentes héroïnes, qui au cours du conflit n’ont pas toutes été dans le même camp. Chacun des albums de cette grande saga en forme de biopic peut se lire séparément, l’ensemble formant néanmoins un ensemble narratif cohérent.

Dessiné par Pierre Wachs, le premier tome de Femmes en résistance évoque l’itinéraire mouvementé de l’aviatrice britannique Amy Johnson, dont la passion et le talent pour l’aviation, alors totalement inhabituels pour une femme, ont constitué un formidable défi face aux préjugés de son époque.

 Fully scripted by Francis Regis Hautière  LABOUTIQUE and, with the help of historian Emmanuelle Polack, this tetralogy -each album illustrated by a differentartist- attempts to cross the paths and destinies of five exceptional women in the Second World War. Four of them, all died very young (Amy Johnson, Sophie Scholl, Bertie Albrecht and Mila Racine) actually existed. Only the fifth, Anna Schaerer, journalist, is a fictional character, who can make the link between these heroines who,  during the war have not all been in “the same camp”.  Each of the albums of this great saga shaped biopic can be read separately, however, all together forming a coherent narrative.

Designed by Pierre Wachs, the first volume of Women in resistance evokes the hectic itinerary of British aviator Amy Johnson, whose totally unusual talent and passion, for a woman, for aviation, was a great challenge to the mindset of the period.


Kult Creations: Loxley -Honour Among Thieves

Kult Creations (Alchemy Texts)
John Short (writer)
Blake O’Farrell (Art
US size
Black and white
orderable from the Kult Creations site:
New on-sale on the blog we have ‘Loxley: Honour Among Thieves’… my take on Robin Hood, produced ten years ago under the Alchemy Texts imprint. Written by me and illustrated in black and white by Blake O’Farrell… it takes a bloody, violent, grown-up look at the British outlaw. WARNING CONTAINS SWEARING, NUDITY AND VIOLENCE.
And, oh yes, a guy gets his eye taken out with a red hot iron, decapitation, stabbed in the face with a sword and more.  What was the Reverend John Short thinking??  This is quite fun and I have heard of the book before but not seen it.
Kult Creation books tend to sell fast so if you want a copy of a rare warehouse find -GET TO IT!!

Cinebook The 9th Art: Wayne Shelton 1 – The Mission

Authors: Denayer & Van Hamme
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages

ISBN: 9781849181594

Price: £6.99 inc. VAT

Publication: June 2013

When a high-ranking official of a small nation in the Caucasus is killed in a car accident, the plans of a massive multinational corporation are derailed by one man: the unfortunate French trucker who caused the accident.

Pressure from the unions in France and the military in Khalakjistan prevents a quick diplomatic solution. So, to secure its own interests, the corporation calls upon the one man who can break the trucker out of prison and disarm the confrontation: Wayne Shelton.

Never heard of this series before so its all new to me.  Action, intrigue, beautiful women, betrayal, a bit of humour and a good story and, if Clark Gable were alive today and making films he would have to be cast as Shelton!

Almost a modern day “Have Gun Will Travel” (go google that, youngsters!).

 I’m trying -desperately- to remember if I’ve seen Denayer’s work before?  Trouble is, all these Franco-Belgian comic artists are just top-notch at what they do. I’ve looked over the detail in this book several times already!

Cinebook really is picking great thriller-action series…well, Van Hamme’s the writer here!

A series to watch.

Cinebook The 9th Art: Lady S – A Mole in D.C.

Authors: Aymond & Van Hamme
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages

ISBN: 9781849181631
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT

Publication: July 2013

What better place to forget the murky world of international spies than… Washington, amid the murky world of politics?

Suzan, still her adopted father’s assistant, is now working at the White House, where she becomes the unwilling central figure in a nefarious plot to discredit the president of the United States.

After bodies start turning up, Suzan’s life is turned upside down once again, leaving her no choice but to run. Will she ever be able to stop?

Apparently this was published in July? Well, I got my copy yesterday so if my review is late…

A quiet life in Washington?  Yeah, right.  The art is lovely as always and the colouring and to0ning superb. The story and action is fast paced and violent.  It’s been a while since the last volume of Lady S and it took a while to remember (I am old) all the past plots/story -though that is NOT required to read this book.

The last panel seems to show that returning to Europe is not going to be any quieter for Lady S!

A great action thriller.